Langlaagte Stamp Battery Blue Plaque - Heritage Portal - 2012

Stamp Mills were used to crush gold bearing rock in the early days of mining. This 10-stamp battery went into operation at the Robinson Mine in Langlaagte in 1886, making it one of the earliest stamp mills on the Witwatersrand. In 1912 mine owner Sir Joseph Robinson ordered the officials to bury the stamp mill in a slimes dump. Following Sir Joseph’s death in 1929, the stamp was salvaged after a long search. It was exhibited at the 1936 Empire Exhibition and then donated to the City Council. The stamp was erected in George Harrison Park where it remained until 2003 when it was damaged in a fire. It was reconstructed and moved to the Main Street Mining Mall in 2004.

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After suffering damage, the original ceramic plaque was replaced by a resin plaque in 2015.

Plaque Address: 

5 Hollard Street. Cnr Main Road, Marshallstown

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