Westcliff Blue Plaque - Heritage Portal - 2013

The original buildings and stables, designed by architect Harvey Clayton in 1903, were built for William Lincoln Honnold, an American mining engineer and his wife, Caroline. They arrived in the Transvaal in 1902. Alterations by Herbert Baker in 1909 changed and enlarged the north facade and added the west wing. Further alterations were done in 1917 by Pearse and Ellis. Honnold was with Consolidated Mines Selection Co. Through his American contacts he helped facilitate part of the establishment of Anglo American Corporation of South Africa, becoming one of its permanent directors. The house was later occupied by Harold Thomson Dickinson, manager of De Beers mine. He was involved in manufacturing munitions during World War I and, in 1936, became a director in the Anglo American Group.

Plaque Address: 

19 Pallinghurst Road, Westcliff

Plaque Organisation: 

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