This five-morning ‘remote’ course is aimed at improving the knowledge of professionals (lawyers, heritage practitioners, town planners, architects, both heritage and land-use officials, and decision-makers) who are already experienced in the submission, scrutiny and decision-making regarding development applications required under the heritage laws (the National Heritage Resources Act and municipal planning by-laws). It is designed to deepen the knowledge of course participants of the applicable and associated laws and to explore the administration and operation of these laws in South Africa by exploring current practice and decision-making in the Western Cape and in the courts.
On completion of the course participants will be able to:
- Understand the provisions of the laws in play
- Understand the details and effects of a number of court cases which have determined certain interpretations of the laws
- Understand the roles and influence of the various actors/role-players in heritage-related applications
- Understand the relationship between ideas about conservation, the processes of identifying heritage resources and assessing their significance, and the current administration by the authorities
- Adopt these interpretations and understandings in practice through a critical understanding of the necessary components of applications and how they should be presented and argued
Download the full brochure below this notice. Contact Melee Rall for more information and an application form - medee.rall@uct.ac.za
The course will comprise five four-hour sessions, one each week. Most of the sessions will comprise two double lectures with time for discussion of issues raised in the lectures and/or in the readings.
The fee for the 20-hour CPD course and exam will be R10 000. Discounts for staff and students of UCT and students of other tertiary education institutes are available under certain circumstances; and companies/institutions with three and more participants will receive a discount of 20% for every participant.
A certificate of attendance will be given to all course members who attend a minimum of four of the five sessions. A certificate of successful course completion will be issued to those participants who attend the course and obtain at least 60% in the optional examination.
MS Teams
Date and time
Weekly on Mondays: 9h00–13h00. 29 April–27 May 2024. Exam: Date to be announced
Registrations and cancellations
Registration forms are available from the Centre for Extra-Mural Studies; ems@uct.ac.za. In order to ensure a place on the course applicants must complete and return a signed registration form to the course administrator: Medee Rall, medee.rall@uct.ac.za. Confirmation of acceptance will be sent on receipt of a registration form. Registrations close one week before the start of a course. Cancellations must be received one week before the start of a course, or the full course fee will be charged.
Main image via Italcotto
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