Thursday, October 26, 2017 - 00:00

The long-awaited publication, Historical Lowveld Across the Ages, the latest book by renowned Lowveld historian Hans Bornman, will be launched on 26 October 2017. Bornman’s project to revise and republish his well-known Pioneers of the Lowveld, developed into a whole new book. This seminal work of 440 pages delves much deeper into the history of the region than its two predecessors, Pioniers van die Laeveld, published in the eighties and its revised edition that followed some 20 years later.

Historical Lowveld Across the Ages is a culmination of a lifetime of research into the region’s past. Amongst others, it now contains fascinating information on the indigenous inhabitants of the region never published before. Still focusing on the old pioneers, it has been 20 years since the last book was published. This one brings the reader up to date with the latest economic, social, political and demographic developments as they stand today. The hardcover book will retail at R350 with a special leather-bound edition costing R1 000.


Book Cover


The launch will be one of Lowvelder’s regular Pen in my Hand book events. It starts at 18:00 at A Bica Coffee Shop in the Belladonna Centre, West Acres. The introduction of the book by the author will be followed by a slide show of old Lowveld photographs, many of which have never been shown before. Signed copies will be on sale. The cost is R50 per person at the door and includes an excellent meal of baked lasagne and a salad served at the table. A full cash bar is available.

Booking is essential on 073-329-9238. 

Events Exhibitions Tours
Objects Artefacts Books
Friday, October 6, 2017 - 08:20

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