Saturday, May 5, 2018 - 00:00

The saying from the Second World War, "a bridge too far", epitomizes the heroic actions of men and women that fall short of achieving their goals. Centurion is rich in Anglo-Boer War history that illustrates this saying. The stories are closely related to the infrastructure of that time which is still visible today. Some parts, however, are under threat and it is unknown whether they will withstand the pressures of time. Enhancing our knowledge is essential to the process of recalling our heritage.

The tour aims to introduce four bridges or bridgeheads in Centurion that played a role in the progress of the Second Anglo-Boer War. These structures will allow us to explore the related history and also show specific architectural concepts from this period. 

In addition, we shall have lunch at Smuts House and enjoy a visit to the Museum housed in the Big House, the home for many years of General Jan Christian Smuts and his family. 

We will be led by an expert in this field, Albert Jansen. This is a tour not to be missed!

GUIDES: Albert Jansen and Janet Hughes
DATE & TIME: 5 May 2018. Buses leave at 08h00 and return at 17h00 
MEET: Sunnyside Park Hotel, Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown
COST: R400 for members and R460 for non-members, including lunch and access to the Smuts House Museum
SAIAT CPD Points: 0.2 for Category 1

Booking only through the office, at 011 482 3349 or mail@joburgheritage.co.za

Events Exhibitions Tours
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 - 10:02

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