Drill Hall Johannesburg
Tuesday, October 20, 2015 - 11:49

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Johannesburg Heritage Foundation (JHF)
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In 2012 in reply to an article in The Star Taryn Mackay wrote a powerful letter which gives us a good idea of the state of the Drill Hall at the time. Below are a few excerpts:
- The Drill Hall is rundown and rugged but it is loved and cared for
- The Drill Hall is embroiled in a complex process of ownership transfer from provincial to local government - the hard work of a country in transition. All the stakeholders, the City of Joburg included, are, however, in conversation and trying to resolve this situation. Finalising the issue will allow lesees to legitimately sub-let to the many people who are in need of organic, free, creative spaces in the city, and thus secure the funds to communally pay for the required services.
The Star had stated that ten years after a major restoration the site was 'partially vandalised, completely neglected, dirty and surrounded by illegal businesses such as mechanics and street traders.'
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