Saturday, June 16, 2018 - 00:00

Lecture series on Mbuyisa Makhubu will be held on the 16th June 2018. The Theme of the lecture is 'Whose Credit is the June 16 Narrative Story? Does is belong to the National Liberation Movements eg:the PAC ,ANC Or Azapo? Professor Noor Nieftagodien from the Wits History Workshop and Present Realities Department will be delivering this all Important lecture on Mbuyisa Makhubu, with reflections from former June 16 students.

This event is organised by the Mbuyisa Makhubu Foundation. For more information contact Mr Charles Makhubu - charlmakhubu@gmail.com

Venue: Northwards 21 Rockridge Road Parktown

Time: 14h00-18h00.

Events Exhibitions Tours
Wednesday, May 16, 2018 - 18:05

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