Saturday, May 13, 2017 - 00:00

5 Book & Map Dealers are getting together on Saturday the 13th of May for an open day. For sale will be first editions; vintage posters; books on travel and exploration and antique maps. At 11h00 there will be a talk by Angus Douglas on Jan Smuts and the definition of manhood. In this 40-minute monologue writer and performer Douglas explores a hidden side to the life of the warrior-statesman-philosopher Jan Smuts. Angus’s style is based on that of famous American monologist Mike Daisey, blending historical anecdotes with personal musings and philosophical excursions. Angus explores a secret side to Smuts - prophet of the New Age Movement – and investigates the significance of Smuts in the post-modern milieu. Cost: R80 suggested donation. Profits go to Smuts House Museum in Irene.

Bookfair Time: 09:00-12:30
Place: 24 Lystanwold road, Saxonwold (Randburg on a GPS), Johannesburg. 

Events Exhibitions Tours
Thursday, May 4, 2017 - 07:48

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