Monday, May 31, 2021 - 00:00

Good news for Johannesburg enthusiasts. Clive Chipkin’s magisterial book, Johannesburg Transition, published in 2009, is out of print but the publisher has found a couple of forgotten boxes of the book in the warehouse.

Special offer to Heritage Portal readers at a price of R1,500 (this includes a commission to the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation). Loot price is now R2,643. Place your order with Eira and once payment has been received, we shall arrange for a copy for you to be collected from Northwards. Email mail@joburgheritage.co.za.


Book Cover

Johannesburg Transition was a sequel to the earlier Johannesburg Style, and carried the Johannesburg story from the 1950s to the early 21st century. Clive was an Architect but also an historian who connected the many influences and cultural roots of the city and how it evolved from a nascent Victorian town where everything had to be imported to an African metropolis and industrial hub.

Clive passed away in January 2021. He was working on a third volume to complete his trilogy. The new volume has the title Johannesburg Diversity: Architecture and Ideas and will be published by STE (Real African Publishers). Marcia Leveson and I are working on seeing the manuscript through to completion and Johannesburg Heritage has been a wonderful resource support in this project. I thank the Resource Centre team.

Johannesburg Style, the first volume (published by David Philip) is out of print and only obtainable when it comes up on book auctions

Once again, please contact Eira Bond should you wish to order a copy of Johannesburg Transition - mail@joburgheritage.co.za

Objects Artefacts Books
Monday, April 12, 2021 - 15:40

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