Parkview Residents Association (PRA)

Part of the charm of Parkview is its 100-year history that is reflected in some of the older homes and shops and the beautiful street and garden trees. Buildings older than 60 years are protected by the National Heritage Resources Act, 25 of 1999 which states that “No person may alter or demolish any structure or part of a structure which is older than 60 years without a permit issued by the relevant provincial heritage resources authority”. In Gauteng, this authority is the Provincial Heritage Resources Authority – Gauteng. (PHRA-G). When an owner plans to alter or demolish part or the whole of a structure that is over 60 years, they are required to submit an application to PHRA-G and then to the City Council. Parkview Residents’ Association (PRA) sits on the Joint Plans Committee (JPC) which is an association of Westcliff, Parktown, Forest Town and Parkview Residents’ Associations, as well as the Johannesburg Heritage Foundation. The committee meets fortnightly and building plans and land use applications for the Westcliff, Parktown, Forest Town and Parkview areas are tabled and reviewed at these meetings. Heritage specialists, town planners and architects sit on the JPC. In attempting to protect the areas they represent, the JPC should be seen as a vehicle to assist owners. PHRA-G requires a letter from the PRA is submitted with their application. To avoid encountering any problems, we request that any plans to alter or demolish a structure older than 60 years be presented to the JPC before submitting them to PHRAG. The JPC can be contacted through the PRA. Failure to obtain the relevant permission from PHRAG could result in a criminal prosecution.

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