Sunday, January 24, 2021 - 12:15

Our great historian, Clive Chipkin was the pre-eminent architectural historian of Johannesburg.  Looking more widely, charting international influences and cultural flows, Clive showed us our place in the schemes and patterns of international architecture.  In the end, he was an historian of world architecture, writing from the vantage point of Johannesburg. 

Clive Chipkin shared with his readers many fine gifts, brought together to dazzling effect. His appetite for enquiry and research was huge; and to the mass of material he brought a keen eye and an original mind.  All of this was communicated through an elegant and energetic writing style, which conveyed the pulse, energy and excitement of the city he loved. 

We can count ourselves fortunate to have had Clive amongst us, generously sharing his infectious enthusiasm, his store of knowledge, and his profound insights.  With his sad passing we remain fortunate still, to have his great legacy for time to come. 

Eric Itzkin, Head Heritage - City of Johannesburg


Clive opening the Valerie Chipkin archive at Wits (Ivor Chipkin)

Sunday, January 24, 2021 - 12:24

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