Wednesday, February 28, 2018 - 00:00

A tradition of the Vernacular Architecture Society of SA is to devote a special issue of the VASSA Journal as tribute to members who have made significant contributions to vernacular architecture studies. It goes without saying that Hans Fransen, who passed away at the end of last year, is most worthy of this recognition!   

We invite you to submit any relevant contributions towards this tribute (brief stories, images, etc.), but I am especially looking for short (10-20 pages?) essays of substance as well (e.g. his collaboration with Mary Cook).  Depending on the response, we will decide how best to produce the tribute - as a Journal or as a Special Publication.  See vassa.org.za for previous publications.

Antonia | VASSA Publications Portfolio | 021 433 0567 / 083 797 5672

Public Participation
Sunday, January 28, 2018 - 07:46

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