Friday, December 31, 2021 - 00:00

As a member of our Grand Lodge Heritage Committee, we are preparing a Commemorative Celebrations during June 2022 when we will mark the 250th year of Freemasonry in South Africa.

To commemorate this milestone, The Grand Lodge of South Africa are planning a series of celebratory events including the publishing of a Collection of Historical Papers collated in a Heritage Commemorative Book comprising articles and papers that reflect on the challenges and influences faced by the country and the impact this had on society as a whole.

As England, Scotland and Ireland played a significant part of the societal development throughout the history of South Africa, needless to say, they too introduced over the centuries along with the Netherlands, their own Masonic lodges of whom many significant historical figures featured prominently.

Where previously the development of Freemasonry in Southern Africa proved to be harmonious, the Anglo-Boer Wars as a significant event in our history, brought tales of Masonic brotherhood overriding war ideologies and it is these stories that we are appealing  of Freemasonry, in particular during the Boer wars.

We are therefore asking for assistance with any historical details the heritage community might have on record which we will credit in the publication.

Thank you in advance - Victor Muhlenbeck – email: muhlenbeck@iafrica.com

Grand Lodge reference: https://www.grandlodge.co.za/history/

Tuesday, August 10, 2021 - 11:00

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