Tuesday, December 31, 2019 - 00:00

As one of our Bicentennial celebrations, Clumber is planning a Church service at 12h00 followed by a bring and braai on 25 July 2020 which coincides nicely with the arrival of the Nottingham Party there on that day 200 years ago. This celebration is centered on facilitating reunions of Settler families - a chance for families to renew bonds and establish new ones! As Clumber was a central gathering point to other Settler parties we are not confining our celebrations to descendants of the Nottingham Party only. Those who want to plan a Settler family reunion are welcome to do so. All we ask as a Clumber community is that you advise us in advance of the numbers that will attend so that we can plan accordingly.

It is gratifying to note that a groundswell has started with families starting to plan their reunions on the Clumber common. So far the Bradfield's, Pike's and Ansley's have indicated that they are planning family get togethers on that date. There is only 8 months to go so those who are sitting on the fence must jump off right now and start organizing! Where are the Long's, Keeton's, Palmer's, Harris, Timm's, Elliot's, Wright's, Tarr's, etc etc.

Website: clumberchurch.simdif.com

Tuesday, November 12, 2019 - 12:25

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