Wednesday, August 1, 2018 - 00:00

You are cordially invited to attend a talk on the Anglo-Boer War Forts around Montagu. The powerpoint presentation will be given by renowned historian Richard Tomlinson who has visited, taken pictures and compiled historic records of these forts. Richard is a member of the Military History Society of Port Elizabeth and the editor of Looking Back Magazine.

  • Hosted by the Montagu Historical Society
  • Venue: Montagu Museum (Old Mission Church in Long Street)
  • Date Wednesday, 01 August 2018 Starting time 18H30
  • RSVP Old Mission Church – 023 614 1950
  • Tea, coffee and biscuits will be served. Donation box to cover some of the expenses.
Events Exhibitions Tours
Tuesday, July 31, 2018 - 07:45

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